Dear MTUESD Community,
I was asked today to clarify our volunteer sign up process, so I thought I would take a moment before the weekend and just let you know how it works. Volunteers are greatly appreciated and needed. A simple weekly service shift as the greeter at drop off or the loader at pick up makes a world of difference. We also need yard duty support.
So what does it take to be a volunteer?
The first thing to do is to go to the school site where you want to volunteer and ask for a volunteer packet. Each site also has a nurse part-time. If you say you want to volunteer and you need the TB risk assessment, you can find out what day the nurse is there and reach out to make an appointment to save yourself a trip. In some instances, the screener isn’t allowed due to recent out of the country travel, but most of the time the screener is appropriate and saves a medical appointment. While you are at the school office, you can fill out and turn in the paperwork or take it home and bring it back. When you turn it in, the office will take a copy of your i.d. and the TB test or screener result.
Once that paperwork is completed with the photocopy of the i.d., and the tuberculosis form as well, it is all sent to the district office. Once it is received by the district office there is a referral that is sent to the Calaveras County Office of Education for the required fingerprints. The district pays the $70 cost for the fingerprinting. However, it is the responsibility of the potential volunteer to call the Calaveras County Office of Education and set up an appointment for when they can go in and take the fingerprints.
These fingerprints are sent electronically for verification by Federal agencies and the county has no idea when they will be returned. Sometimes, it's just a couple of days and other times it takes much longer. During that time, there are a few on-line classes that need to be completed. Lisa Stewart will register you for those classes when she receives your paperwork at the district office. You will receive a login notice from Public School Works. These are very simple on-line classes related to mandated reporting for child abuse, playground supervision, and site-based trainings. I do want to stress that there is also a confidentiality agreement that needs to be signed when you do participate as a volunteer. What happens at school, stays at school and is not to be posted on social media or discussed. Site staff or I are always available to discuss anything that you have questions about.
When your fingerprints are received you will receive a call from either the district office or the site to let you know you are ready to be a volunteer. Then, you can contact your school office and set up a time to talk about what areas you would like to support!
I know this sounds super complicated and is far different than it was just 15 or 20 years ago. So I will explain “why”. Liability for sexual molestation events can now go back for decades and decades. These much more stringent guidelines are required, not just of the district but by the insurance carrier in order for the district to be insured. I know it's hard. I wish I could change it, but I can't.
I hope this process document is helpful. We very much appreciate your participation in our classrooms and on our playgrounds. We appreciate your partnership and look forward to increasing our ranks of qualified volunteers. It's not limited to just the family of students, but extended family as well. We only ask that if you sign up for a shift that you come unless you are sick and can't make it.
We are grateful for the request for clarification and hope that this information is helpful.
Have a happy and safe weekend ahead. If you have time and want to join us for the Character Strong curriculum review it is on Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. in the district office Board room. This is one strategy program in our behavior and anti-bullying toolkit with a generous pledge of $40,000 from the county office.
Sincerely yours,
Louise Simson